Must have Dome Port Accessories
Underwater Lights
Why use lights with a GoPro?
While the GoPro and many other action cameras work great with ambient light and filters, you can expand the types of shots you can take by adding on lights. You can separate your foreground and background subjects by lighting your foreground with lights, making those subjects stand out more from the background.
Lights are absolutely essential for macro work. Macro critters tend to live in dark holes, under dark ledges, or only come out at night--all situations requiring lights. It's rare to see macro subjects out in the open in daylight, but even still, using only a filter with these subjects usually results in muted colours. Even a small light will yield much better results for macro rather than nothing at all.
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Pistol Trigger
There are many, many different ways to hold and mount GoPros. It’s one of the defining features of them–which you can use them in places other cameras can’t go.
One of my favourites for hand-held shooting is to use a trigger grip. You can certainly get trigger grips for other cameras, including full-size DSLRs. But they tend to make big, heavy cameras bigger and heavier. They work well in the water, where the weight of the camera is supported by the buoyancy of a waterproof housing, but they can be two-handed affairs out of the water.
But with a tiny, light camera like a GoPro, they’re much less cumbersome. And an advantage is that, in at least some cases, the tube hand grip is floaty enough to keep the whole rig on top of the water.
The key characteristic of these is that they use a pistol-style trigger to depress the shutter/record button. I find them particularly useful for shooting photos, where you want to be able to catch a precise moment. The combination of the comfortable grip angle and the leverage from the trigger mechanism makes for quicker and lighter shutter operation.
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A handheld grip can help you keep video steady and extend the reach of your stills, while a helmet mount can allow you capture the racing excitement of biking or kayaking from a first-person perspective.
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Underwater Video has been changing quickly. Divers want to share their underwater adventures on social media platforms and there no easier way to capture your moment than with a GoPro camera. The GoPro is a serious player due to its small size, great video quality, features for underwater & topside use, low price point, and wide range of accessories. There is a growing number of videographers building amazing portfolios with nothing but GoPro cameras.
There are many different filters available for the GoPro HERO5, Hero4, Hero 3+ and 3 that increase the camera’s versatility, allowing for more creative shots on land and underwater. Polar Pro makes an excellent range of glass filters for the HERO5 / Hero4 / Hero 3+ that we've used for the guide below. The filters snap onto the GoPro securely and easily, and the glass makes them very scratch resistant with higher optical properties than plastic. The range of filters includes:
- Red Filter: Used in blue water
- Magenta Filter: Used in green water
- Macro Filter: Used to shoot small subjects
- Polarizing Filter: Used topside to control reflected light
- Neutral Density Filter: Used topside to slow the shutter speed
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Water Droplet Preventer
Do you always have that one water droplet in your shot? We are introducing a special gel to assist you in keeping a clear dome and camera lens! Instructions: Add a few drops onto your GDome and spread it with a clean hand. Dunk the GDome into the water, washing off the gel. Repeat two or three times as desired. Add one more coat and let it dry for at least two hours. With this method, you won't have any water droplets on your GDome or GoPro when shooting your favourite shots!
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Wrist Strap
Wrist straps are just that, a strap, it fits securely onto your wrist so you don’t have to worry about dropping your GoPro mid-motion. When investing in an action camera, the last thing you want to do is lose it to an easily preventable accident.
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Dive Tray
Dive Trays give you a comfortable foam grip and helps stabilize your shots. GoPro is all about small and a dive tray keeps your travel weight and size to a minimum. Double handle dive trays are also a favourite tray with minimalist compact and mirrorless camera enthusiasts. You can add your choice of arm adapters and accessories for a perfect system.
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Bluetooth Remote
One of the most popular Dome port accessories out there is a remote. In short, the remote lets you control the shutter of the camera remotely using a Wi-Fi or Bluetooth signal.
Remotes can save you a lot of time and can definitely increase the functionality of your GoPro or Smartphone.
Bluetooth Remote Shutter connects via Bluetooth to your IOS and Android devices enabling you to control your devices shutter release and capture pictures from up to 30 feet away.
Simply pair your device to the Bluetooth Remote Shutter and start snapping away with just a click of the button.
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